The Voice is an Australian reality talent show that premiered on the Nine Network on 15 April 2012. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. The series is hosted by Darren McMullen, and features Delta Goodrem, Keith *****, Joel Madden and Seal as the **** "coaches".
正在播放:澳洲之声 第一季第2期 ,看点::澳洲之声一季11,。 更新于12-09 13:53,播放来源于优酷。
澳洲之声 第一季第2期在线观看,看点::澳洲之声一季11,。 更新于12-09 13:53,播放来源于优酷。
剧情介绍:第2期-The Voice is an Australian reality talent show that premiered on the Nine Network on 15 April 2012. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. The series is hosted by Darren McMullen, and features Delta Goodrem, Keith *****, Joel Madden and Seal as the **** "coaches".——西瓜分享提供。