The Hutterites


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The Hutterites剧情内容介绍

The Hutterites

The followers of religious leader Jacob Hutter live in farm communities, devoutly holding to the rules their founder laid down **** centuries ago. Through the kindness of a Hutterite colony in Alberta, this film, in black and white, was made inside the community and shows all aspects of the Hutterites' daily life.  You can watch it here:  ****://***

发布于1964年。由Colin Low执导,并且由编剧Stanley Jackson携幕后团队创作。并于1964公映的电影。


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The Hutterites评价

  • 很棒 清冷得像伯格曼的‘63年。NFB Candid Eye成员S.Jackson, C. Low, J. Spotton.

  • A sociology class video on Talcott Parson's AGIL.
