FNS 27HRS Television 28


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FNS 27HRS Television 28剧情内容介绍

FNS 27HRS Television 28

In 2014, SMAP was the main personality of FNS 27hour Tv. FNS special fictional drama was called Oretachi ni asu wa aru (We have a tomorrow/future). In a segment called "27hour na Show" (the original show is called "Wide na Show", where celebreties tell their opinion, comment on recent news) SMAP was answering burning questions.

发布于2014年。集众多位北野武、北川景子、木村拓哉、中岛哲也、松本人志、贝基、松重丰、吉田羊、谷原章介、稻垣吾郎、滨田岳、古川伊织、小日向文世 Fumiyo Kohinata等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-07-26(日本)公映的综艺。


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