介绍: Intheupcomingsummerspecial,theteamheadstoHawaiiwhereTitaniumRex(Cranst…… 更多超级豪宅:暑假特辑介绍
超级豪宅:暑假特辑原名:SuperMansion:Summer Vacation Special,
In the upcoming summer special, the team heads to Hawaii where Titanium Rex (Cranston) runs into a vacationing former President Barack ***** (Jay Pharoah); Black Saturn (Tucker Gilmore) and Lex (Jillian Bell) teach Cooch (Gardner) how to swim; and American Ranger (Keegan-Michael Key) attempts to perform in a USO show while an evil threat brews under the sea. Additionally, Masi ...
发布于2018年。由Alex Kamer执导,并且由编剧Tom Sheppard、Zeb Wells携幕后团队创作。并于2018-06-23(美国)公映的电影。