介绍: Onesummerin***andleather.Chicago,NewYorkandSanFranciscoareonlythreesta…… 更多男癖 - 皮革后遗症介绍
男癖 - 皮革后遗症原名:Menmaniacs - The Legacy of Leather,又名Menmaniacs、男癖
One summer in *** and leather. Chicago, New York and San Francisco are only three stations in the annual circuit of a leather crowd which travels from ***** to ***** - in order to meet, to have *** or just to fantasize about it. Amsterdam based "*** of Hamburg" is a former "International Mr. Leather"-titleholder, *** pornstar and **** producer. He and his friends take us on an ...
发布于1995年。由Jochen Hick执导,并且由编剧约亨·希克携幕后团队创作。并于1995公映的电影。